Grand Street Democrats

The Grand Street Dems were formed in  September of 2017 to build a new Democratic club around Grand Street and the Lower East Side—one that is inclusive, progressive and active.  As such our focus has expanded beyond our traditional roles (holding open forums and endorsing candidates, petitioning and campaigning) to include ones that more generally affect our community such as environmental concerns, immigration rights, traffic conditions, and others as they arise.  Grand Street Democrats hold regular open meetings, neighborhood events and forums for the entire community.  We encourage you to learn more, become a member and actively participate.

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News & Updates

Sunday 10/6 — Yes on Prop 1

Rescheduled from Sept 29th. Join GSD this Sunday in raising awareness for Prop 1, also referred to as the Equal Rights Amendment on November’s ballot.  According to “Yes on Prop 1,” voting yes “would close those loopholes by prohibiting government discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex—including LGBT, pregnancy, and abortion rights. It will …


About Grand Street Democrats

Grand Street Democrats was founded in 2017 to provide a progressive, inclusive, active and transparent Democratic organization on the Lower East Side, specifically to represent Democratic voters in the 65th Assembly District, Part A.

Following the election of Donald Trump in November 2016, Democrats all over the neighborhood were ready to become more involved politically to make sure the strength of our voice was fully heard to advocate for pro-immigrant, pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, and pro-public school causes and candidates.