Grand Street Democrats

GSD Primary Kick-Off is on June 11 from 6-8pm at Hester Lot. Endorsed candidates, music and food. All are welcome!

Poster for GSD Primary Rally on June 11th, 2024, from 6pm to 8pm.

Join us

The Grand Street Dems were formed in  September of 2017 to build a new Democratic club around Grand Street and the Lower East Side—one that is inclusive, progressive and active.  As such our focus has expanded beyond our traditional roles (holding open forums and endorsing candidates, petitioning and campaigning) to include ones that more generally affect our community such as environmental concerns, immigration rights, traffic conditions, and others as they arise.  Grand Street Democrats hold regular open meetings, neighborhood events and forums for the entire community.  We encourage you to learn more, become a member and actively participate.

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Meet Caroline Laskow

Your Democratic District Leader:

Caroline Laskow

Caroline Laskow

Caroline has lived in Seward Park since 2003 with her husband Ian Rosenberg. Their two children attend NYC public schools.

Caroline graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Communication. She now makes documentary films, including “Ashtanga, NY,” about a yoga community coming together around the events of September 11th; and “Welcome to Kutsher’s: The Last Catskills Resort,” about the historic end of the Borscht Belt hotel era. She is also co-author of The Soup Club Cookbook, collaboratively written with three other Seward Park moms.

The 2016 election cycle was a turning point for Caroline as for many of us. In the aftermath of Trump’s inauguration, Caroline marched in D.C. with other women from Grand Street. When executive orders blocked refugees from entering the U.S., Caroline joined the Jewish Rally for Refugees downtown, and the I’m a Muslim Too rally in Times Square. She is determined to remain engaged in the protection of civil liberties, starting with a more active Democratic Party in our neighborhood.

Caroline represent Part A of Assembly District 65.

News & Updates

May Meeting With Marte

Thank you to our community for coming to our general meeting this past Monday, and for listening to our City Councilmember Christopher Marte and his Director of Land Use and Housing, Conor Allerton, talk about the “City of Yes” proposal (attached).  They laid out the three main components of it: Carbon Neutrality, Economic Opportunity, and Housing …

GSD Party Rocks the Lower East Side

This past Tuesday, GSD threw its annaul fall party. The bar was packed with members, district leaders, and judical candidates. All the pizza was eaten! Thank you to every local elected offical for sponsoring (CM Marte, Rep. Goldman, State Senator Kavanagh, Assemlymembers Lee and Epstein, District Leaders Laskow and Fariello, and State Committee Member Minsely). …