NY Dems Voter Protection Initiative

NY Dems Voter Protection initiative is still looking for election day hotline monitors, and any licensed attorney can be a poll observer. They offer free training for both.

  • Hotline Volunteers – Remote
    The NY Dems Voter Assistance Hotline provides personalized voting information and real-time support to voters experiencing issues. Hotline volunteers can answer calls remotely from the comfort of home! We provide training on voting procedures, deadlines, and hotline technology, and a hotline captain will always be available to support you and help you troubleshoot during your shift.

  • Poll Observer – In Person
    Poll observers are our eyes and ears at poll sites across the state, ensuring proper voting procedures are followed. Observers are trained to spot, report, and resolve voting issues in real-time and are always supported by a dedicated team of lawyers and experienced voter protectors. Poll observers must be registered voters in the county of assignment and complete virtual training. 

For more info: https://www.nydems.org/vopro