  • Virtual meeting on Tuesday with Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou

    Our current health and economic crisis unfolded right smack in the middle of Albany’s budget process at the end of March.

    Though the Governor’s budget passed, our Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou opposed key provisions of the budget that reduced funds for education, health, and family assistance.


    Please join us this Tuesday to hear Assemblymember Niou talk about why that vote was so important, and what Albany is able to do now to help New Yorkers through this crisis.

    GSD Zoom Meeting
    with Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou

    Tuesday, April 21 at 7:15 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Or call in: 929-205-6099
    Meeting ID: 985 3095 8156

  • Virtual Meeting this Thursday 7:15 pm with Mark Levine, chair of City Council Health Committee

    As chair of the City Council Health Committee, Councilmember Mark Levine’s Twitter feed has become essential reading for anyone keeping up with the demands that Covid-19 is placing on NYC’s health system.

    Then he got sick himself, and followed his own very public advice to not get tested, and to not overwhelm hospitals if your symptoms are manageable.

    Luckily, Councilmember Levine is on the mend at home. He’ll be joining us this Thursday for our first virtual meeting to talk about the challenges facing the City at this critical moment.

    Grand Street Dems Virtual Meeting
    Thursday, April 2
    7:15 pm

    Join via Zoom app:

    Join via web browser:

    Call in:
    +1 929 205 6099
    Meeting ID: 102 738 126

    Why are we starting at 7:15? So that at 7:00 pm we can all clap & play — throw open your window, applaud NYC’s healthcare and other essential workers, then play New York, New York as loud as you can. (You don’t need to wait until Thursday — clap & play is every night at 7:00 pm!)

  • Holiday Party 2019 — thank you!

    Thank you to the event’s hosts, who gave a little extra into the tip jar. Many of these friends have been graciously supporting GSD from the very beginning:

    • Courtney Allison & David Horowitz
    • Allison & Joey Gordon
    • Caroline Laskow & Ian Rosenberg
    • Yuh-Line Niou
    • Daria & Diego Segalini
    • Judith Wind
    • Kenny Wind
    District Leaders Caroline Laskow and Lee Berman present GSD Citizen of the Year! awards to Pat Arnow and Tommy Loeb.

    Also thank you to our 2019 Citizens of the Year!

    • Pat Arnow, in recognition of her vital and spirited defense of East River Park, and of her work to mobilize the community for a better flood protection plan.
    • Tommy Loeb, for his consistent and fierce advocacy before our elected representatives on behalf of the residents of Grand Street and the Lower East Side.

    And thanks to all of you! Thank you for your support and continued advocacy for the neighborhood. Happy Thanksgiving and a full, joyous, holiday season!

  • RSVP for GSD Holiday Party 2019

    Join us to celebrate our 2019 successes and to honor local citizens who inspire and motivate us.

    Ticketholders will receive appetizers and 1 drink ticket. A cash bar will be available all evening. Reserve your place at our holiday party by making a contribution below. 

    Online payments processed by Stripe. Political contributions are not tax deductible.

  • Wednesday 8/14: GSD Summer Meeting with Carolyn Maloney, Brian Kavanagh, and Yuh-Line Niou

    Please join us on Wednesday, August 14 for our Summer Meeting with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, State Senator Brian Kavanagh, and Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou

    GSD Summer Meeting
    August 14, 7:00 pm
    Seward Coop Community Room
    266 East Broadway

    Please arrive a little early if you’d like to mingle … we plan to start on time.

  • Tuesday 7/30: Democratic Debate Watch Party at Randall’s BBQ

    Join us on Tuesday for the first night of the second round of 2020 Democratic debates. Randall’s BBQ on Grand Street will have a happy hour drink menu, plus their usual delicious meats and sides, available to Grand Street Dems members.

    The debate doesn’t start until 9:00 8:00 but you’re invited to join us starting at 8:30 7:30 — come early to save a seat!

  • 6/26 at 8:30 pm: Democratic Debate Watch Party

    Is it 2020 yet?

    Booker, Castro, de Blasio, Delaney, Gabbard, Inslee, Klobuchar, O’Rourke, Ryan, and Warren make up the ten candidates selected for the stage Wednesday. (Another ten candidates who qualified will have their chance the next night.)

    The first debate of the Democratic primary is airing Wednesday, June 26 — join GSD members at a debate Watch Party at La Flaca on Grand Street at Suffolk.

    Democratic Debate Watch Party
    Wednesday, June 26
    8:30 pm
    La Flaca, Grand Street and Suffolk

  • Monday 6/3: East River Park Town Hall

    The City has a $1.4 billion plan to bulldoze East River Park and add 8-10 feet of landfill in order to protect the East Village and Lower East Side from rising sea level and storm surges. The park would be closed for at least 3-1/2 years starting in 2020.

    • Existing landscape bulldozed.
    • Amphitheater razed.
    • Entire park raised 8-10 feet with landfill.
    • Playing fields and facilities rebuilt.
    • New pedestrian bridges.

    In order for residents to learn about the plan and possible alternatives, and to ask questions directly of the City officials in charge of the project, Grand Street Democrats is hosting a Town Hall next week:

    Monday, June 3, 7:00 pm
    Manny Cantor Center, 197 East Broadway

    If you have time, there is material available online for you to review before the Town Hall:

    Please try to make it. This project will have a huge impact on our neighborhood.

  • Thursday 5/16, 6:30 pm: GSD Spring Meeting

    Please join us next Thursday 5/16 at 6:30 for our 2019 Spring Meeting.

    Thursday, May 16, 6:30 pm
    Seward Coop Community Room
    266 East Broadway

    We will welcome Assemblymember Dan Quart who will update us on criminal justice reform legislation passed in Albany. Quart has also been a vocal and public critic of Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance and many of the policies of his office.

    We will also have updates about three important local topics: M14 service cuts, East River Park rebuilding, and traffic mitigation on Grand Street. Elected officials are actively looking for more community input on these issues, so we will be voting on resolutions to express our support for certain goals.

    We will also announce results of our first 2020 Presidential Straw Poll.

    See you next week!

  • Tuesday 4/2 at 6 pm: Public Meeting with MTA

    Please join us Tuesday for a meeting with local elected officials and MTA representatives to hear about the MTA plan to eliminate local stops along the M14A and M14D bus lines.

    Tuesday, April 2, 6:00 pm.
    7th Precinct Station House, Pitt Street & Delancey

    The MTA has moved forward with this plan with almost no public input. Tuesday may be your only chance to make your voice heard.