This past Tuesday, June 27, Council Member Christopher Marte won re-election by an impressive margin with almost 65% of the vote. CM Marte explained “It’s been a really long day, a really long two weeks but I’m happy to get across the finish line and have so much support from the community,” Marte said from his victory celebration Tuesday night at Lee’s on Canal, “It feels like it’s a mandate to continue to advocate, to do the work that we’ve been doing for these 16 months and so it feels great.” Marte called this victory “sweeter, because it was based on a track record.”
In our neighborhood, CM Marte won the election districts in Part A with 65% of the vote. Overall, Part A accounted for about 20% of the total vote across the district. GSD attended the victory party and Marte expressed gratitude to the club for all their hard work and support. GSD is looking forward to continuing working with the Council Member!