Check out a your 2024 ballot

Election Day this year is not just for President! Vote for:

  • President/Vice-President
  • U.S. Senator
  • N.Y State Supreme Court
  • N.Y. County Civil Court
  • U.S. Congress
  • N.Y. State Senator
  • N.Y. State Assembly Member
  • N.Y. County District Civil Court

Also remember to turn your ballot over to vote on one state constitutional amendment and five other city charter amendments.

Early voting starts Saturday 10/26

Early voting begins on Saturday, October 26 and continues for nine days through Sunday, November 3.

You can vote at St. Augustine Episcopal Church at 290 Henry Street.

Saturday, October 268:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, October 278:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday, October 288:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, October 298:00 am – 8:00 pm
Wednesday, October 308:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday, October 318:00 am – 8:00 pm
Friday, November 18:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday, November 28:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, November 38:00 am – 5:00 pm

October 20: Yes on Prop 1 Rally @ Father Demo Square

Yes on Prop 1 Rally
Sunday, October 20 at 1:30 pm
Father Demo Square (Bleecker Street and 6th Ave.)

Prop 1 will appear on the back of ballots across the state to protect New Yorkers’ rights and fundamental freedoms – including abortion.

Prop 1 will ensure our reproductive rights and fundamental freedoms – including abortion – are protected from government interference, keeping the power with New Yorkers and not politicians — permanently. It also protects New Yorkers from government discrimination – because no New Yorker should be taken advantage of by those in power.

While abortion is currently protected by state law, those laws are not ironclad and can be overturned. New York’s current laws can be changed or rolled back depending on who is in the state legislature or Governor’s Mansion. Passing Prop 1 would ensure the right to abortion can’t be rolled back in New York.

Read the full text of the amendment here.

Oct. 19 Vote Blue Bus to Pennsylvania

Saturday, October 19 · 8am – 7pm EDT
Reserve a spot on the bus

Please see below special invitation from incoming State Committee Member and GSD member Wei-Li Tjong:

The time is nigh to help lift up our Democratic candidates by a targeted on-the-ground effort in a neighboring Pennsylvania district!

Through VOTE BLUE, and the efforts of our Democratic clubs and our electeds, we have first dibs to OFFICIALLY SIGN UP for the bus. UNTIL YOU SIGN UP YOU HAVE NOT RESERVED YOUR SEAT. WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL THIS SUNDAY TO FILL THIS BUS OURSELVES (and with all of our friends and family who want to join) — and then the bus will be open to any other volunteers.

Let’s fill this bus and make it a day of friends, family and neighbors in common cause. What’s happening is frightening. We have a chance to pitch in to invigorate and educate. It will come down to work like this, if Democrats have a hope of forming the necessary bulwark to shore up our Republic.

Let’s take ourselves to the frontlines, and put boots on the ground for our beliefs, decency and common sense!

It’s a long day, but we will be back by 7pm leaving and returning from Union Square East (between 15th & 16th Sts). We will be trained on the way by experienced canvassers, so no experience needed!

Wear comfy shoes and bring your smartphones and some ways to charge them. More FAQs are at the Eventbrite link below. If helping out with $10 per person is any issue, please let me know, and we will arrange to cover it.

Be sure WHEN YOU SIGN UP to pick the “PA Combined (House, Senate, Harris/Walz)” bus ticket — and each person, regardless of age, needs to be registered:

Let’s do this!

For questions, please email:

Sunday 10/6 — Yes on Prop 1

Rescheduled from Sept 29th. Join GSD this Sunday in raising awareness for Prop 1, also referred to as the Equal Rights Amendment on November’s ballot.  According to “Yes on Prop 1,” voting yes “would close those loopholes by prohibiting government discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex—including LGBT, pregnancy, and abortion rights. It will ensure no one can be discriminated against for who they are.”

Sunday, October 6
12:00 – 2:00 pm
Grand & Clinton (in front of Citibank)
RSVP To volunteer:

NY Dems Voter Protection Initiative

NY Dems Voter Protection initiative is still looking for election day hotline monitors, and any licensed attorney can be a poll observer. They offer free training for both.

  • Hotline Volunteers – Remote
    The NY Dems Voter Assistance Hotline provides personalized voting information and real-time support to voters experiencing issues. Hotline volunteers can answer calls remotely from the comfort of home! We provide training on voting procedures, deadlines, and hotline technology, and a hotline captain will always be available to support you and help you troubleshoot during your shift.

  • Poll Observer – In Person
    Poll observers are our eyes and ears at poll sites across the state, ensuring proper voting procedures are followed. Observers are trained to spot, report, and resolve voting issues in real-time and are always supported by a dedicated team of lawyers and experienced voter protectors. Poll observers must be registered voters in the county of assignment and complete virtual training. 

For more info:

Yes on Prop 1

This Sunday – Join GSD in raising awareness for Prop 1, also referred to as the Equal Rights Amendment on November’s ballot.  According to “Yes on Prop 1,” voting yes “would close those loopholes by prohibiting government discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex — including LGBT, pregnancy, and abortion rights. It will ensure no one can be discriminated against for who they are.”

Sunday, September 29
12:00 – 2:00 pm
Grand & Clinton (in front of Citibank)
RSVP To volunteer: