Grand Street Democrats
  • Follow-up letter to DOT on Clinton/Grand jam

    District leaders Caroline Laskow, Lee Berman, and Daisy Paez, along with other GSD members, joined a call last month with Luis Sanchez and Sean Quinn of the Department of Transportation to follow up from our Traffic Town Hall in January. There was very little new information on the call. DOT officials said they needed time to gather and analyze data from traffic counters that have been placed in several locations around the neighborhood.

    Below is a letter from GSD President Jeremy Sherber to Sanchez and Quinn being sent today. Our goal is to set reasonable deadlines for DOT to deliver data analysis and new plans.

    March 5, 2018

    Luis Sanchez, Manhattan Borough Commissioner
    Sean Quinn, Senior Director, Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs
    NYC Department of Transportation
    55 Water Street
    New York, NY 10041

    Commissioner Sanchez and Director Quinn,

    Many thanks for continuing to speak with community members about the growing traffic problem around Grand and Clinton Streets.

    First of all, I’d like to get a follow-up meeting on the calendar for the week of May 21. That should provide enough time to read preliminary data from traffic counters and for us to have a more meaningful discussion of possible solutions and how to present options to the community.

    Are you free Tuesday, May 22 or Wednesday, May 23 at 10:00 am or 11:00 am?

    Second, I want to make sure to emphasize a point that I keep hearing from neighbors, and that we tried to convey in our call last month. High-rise development in the area right around the Grand/Clinton intersection has only just started: residents and stores have yet to move in to the three buildings already constructed, two more buildings are underway, and three new developments have been announced all within the immediate area we are discussing. The new buildings will be constructed as-of-right, so DOT may never be asked to weigh in on their impact — but that does not mean they won’t have an impact. Any plan we make now to mitigate the traffic in this area must take into consideration the rapid growth these few blocks are experiencing.

    The existing traffic problem creates a noise and safety challenge for our residential neighborhood. New development will only add to the amount of legitimate local traffic and to the people being affected by congestion. Next year’s L train shutdown will undoubtedly create even more traffic on these narrow streets. So the solution we are asking for is one that routes Williamsburg Bridge traffic around these blocks, not through them.

    We shouldn’t have to wait years until construction has stopped to plan a better traffic pattern. Drivers need to be directed to major arteries like Houston Street, Essex Street, Allen Street, and Delancey Street. The smaller streets in this residential area are not an appropriate approach to the Williamsburg Bridge — and tweaks to signage and traffic light timing are not going to change that.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Jeremy Sherber
    President, Grand Street Democrats

  • March 5 = Pub Night + Civics Trivia

    Let’s celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the start of Grand Street Democrats’ campaign to bring progressive, active, local politics back to the neighborhood! Join us Monday night for a drink at Lucky Jack’s and try your hand at our Civics Trivia Quiz.

    No cover. Cash bar. $10 quiz entry. Kitschy prizes for the trivia-est in the neighborhood. See you there!

  • Grand Street Democrats endorses Carolyn Maloney (NY-12)

    After speaking with Rep. Carolyn Maloney and her challenger Thursday evening, Grand Street Democrats members voted to endorse Rep. Maloney for re-election in 2018.

    We’ll be petitioning to help her get on the ballot starting next week, and encouraging all Democrats in her district to vote for her in the congressional primary on June 24.

    Representative Carolyn Maloney with District Leaders Caroline Laskow and Lee Berman.

    Rep. Maloney has a strong record of support for women’s rights, gun safety, and affordable health care. She’s fought for years to take care of 9/11 first responders. As a NYC public school teacher and member of the city council before she was elected to Congress, Rep. Maloney has a long history of progressive, active public service.

  • Special Congressional endorsement meeting for NY-12

    Endorsement for Congress NY-12

    Thursday, March 1
    6:45 – 8:45 pm

    Manny Cantor Center, 197 East Broadway

    Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who represents NY Congressional District 12, is being challenged this year by a first-time candidate, Suraj Patel. We will have a chance this Thursday to hear from both candidates, ask them questions, and then decide whom to endorse for the Democratic primary on June 26.

    Please show up at 6:45 pm so we can get started with the first candidate promptly at 7:00 pm. (The meeting is open to everyone, but only GSD members with voting privileges will be allowed to vote on our endorsement.)

    Suraj Patel
    7:00 pm — Suraj Patel
    Patel is an alumni of Obama campaigns in 2008 and 2012, president of his family’s hospitality company, and a lecturer at NYU’s business school.

    Rep. Carolyn Maloney
    7:30 pm — Carolyn Maloney
    Maloney began her career as a public school teacher and administrator in New York. She served on the NYC City Council for a decade before being elected to Congress in 1992.

  • GSD supports Lower East Side Historic District

    Preliminary Proposed Lower East Side Historic District.
    At our regular meeting on February 8, Grand Street Democrats voted to support the designation of an historic district on the lower east side. The proposed district encompasses historically intact buildings south of Delancey Street between Forsyth and Essex Streets (including many of the buildings around the Tenement Museum).

    The area has been defined by the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative, a group of local preservationists who were instrumental in getting parts of the East Village designated as historic districts.

    If you want to support this initiative individually, please add your name to the petition for a lower east side historic district.

    The text of our letter to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission is below.

    Meenakshi Srinivasan, Chair
    NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
    1 Centre Street, 9th Floor
    New York, NY 10007

    Chair Srinivasan,

    Manhattan’s Lower East Side is recognized as America’s iconic immigrant neighborhood with unsurpassed architectural, historical, and cultural significance to our city, state, and nation. Its great variety of age-old tenements, institutional, and commercial buildings not only enrich the streets with architecture based on human scale and beautifully crafted ornament, but have given the community and its residents a cohesive and stable environment with a strongly identifiable sense of history and place.

    The only way to effectively preserve the historic streetscapes of this vital neighborhood is through New York City historic district designation. Therefore, we call upon the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission to landmark, without delay, the historically intact areas of the Lower East Side south of Delancey Street, as proposed by the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative and Friends of the Lower East Side.

    Grand Street Democrats is a local club of active Lower East Side residents. We have a keen interest in honoring the unique history of our neighborhood while preserving the area’s opportunity to continue to grow and thrive. Please let us know if there is anything more we can do to assist the LPC in this matter.

    Jeremy Sherber, President
    Grand Street Democrats

  • #BlueWave starts here: phone bank for Margaret Good

    Phone Bank for Margaret Good

    Monday, February 12
    6:30 – 8:30 pm

    Seward Coop (apartment will be emailed to you after RSVP)

    Sister District is a national organization created out of the ashes of the 2016 presidential election. Its goal is to harness Democratic energy from deep blue districts like ours to help get out the vote in truly swing districts around the country. Focused especially on state legislative races (which will help determine new congressional districts after the 2020 census), Sister District helped with the tremendous successes in Virginia in 2017, and now is resetting targets for 2018.

    First up is a special election for Florida State House in February, where Democrat Margaret Good is hoping to flip this Sarasota District.


    Margaret Good
    Grand Street Dems launches its 2018 partnership with Sister District with this phone bank for Margaret Good on February 12. Help us make calls and participate in this year’s Democratic #BlueWave across the country.

  • Caroline Laskow and Lee Berman join Letitia James and Margaret Chin to protect ‘Lifeline’ for 1 million New Yorkers

    Today, Public Advocate Letitia James called on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to protect Lifeline, a program that provides subsidized phone and internet services to millions of low-income Americans, including over 1 million New Yorkers. In a letter to the FCC, Public Advocate James urged the Commission to reject a series of proposals that would significantly defund the program, and drastically reduce the number of Americans able to afford basic phone and internet service.

    Council Member Margaret Chin said, “Seniors in Lower Manhattan are no stranger to this program, and for many these recipients, Lifeline also serves as a key tool to complete various daily tasks — including paying the bills, applying for affordable housing and completing their annual public housing recertification. I urge the FCC to protect this vital program and support proposals that fight for internet access and equity for every American — regardless of age or income level — and encourage fellow New Yorkers concerned about the future of the Lifeline program to make their voices heard to FCC before the February 21st deadline.”

    “The FCC’s current proposals for cutting back the Lifeline program will inflict a cruel blow to low-income households,” said Caroline Laskow, District Leader, Assembly District 65 Part A. “It is a joke to pretend that phone and broadband services are anything but a necessity, whether for work or homework, for education or a job application. Without proper access to the digital world, low-income communities are increasingly left out and left behind. We must protect these consumers who are being unjustly targeted by the FCC with proposals that would serve to literally disconnect and disempower them.”

    “Families should not have to worry that they will no longer be able to keep in touch with loved ones, or fear that in case of emergency they can not afford a telephone,” said Lee Berman, District Leader, Assembly District 65 Part A. “Nor should children in low-income families have yet another stumbling block put in their way when trying to learn. Without the ability to participate in the Lifeline program’s broadband discount for participating households, the working poor find it yet again harder to just keep up. Low-income children should have the same access to the internet, to do their homework and to study and research using broadband as the rest of America does.”

    The Lifeline program was created in 1985 under President Reagan and serves nearly 13 million low-income Americans, including more than over 1 million New Yorkers. Access to a telephone is not only a key connection to opportunities and loved ones, but also a safety necessity during emergencies. With Lifetime subscribers earning an average of just $14,000 a year, the proposed changes to the program would have significant impacts on their ability to continue affording basic service.

  • Albany Report and Regular Meeting

    Albany Report

    Thursday, February 8
    7:00 – 8:00 pm

    GSD Regular Meeting

    Thursday, February 8
    8:00 – 9:00 pm

    Seward Coop Community Room
    266 East Broadway

    Our next regular meeting will kick off with a report from our state representatives, Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou and State Senator Brian Kavanagh. They will be reporting, and taking your questions on, the 2018 legislative session and budget process.

    Immediately following the Albany Report, GSD will hold its first regular meeting of the year.

  • GSD committee opportunities

    Our Committee-palooza! at the beginning of the year was a very productive evening. Members split up into break-out sessions for each of our standing committees, defined at least two near-term goals, and outlined specific action steps to take for each.

    The basic goal of Grand Street Democrats is straightforward: support (and create where necessary) an infrastructure of local activists that can raise issues, amplify local voices, and pressure officials for change. The strength of that infrastructure will come from fully engaged members with a real sense of ownership for our shared goals. So active committee participation is essential to bringing about the change we want.

    Here’s what we’ll be working on right away:

    Policy and Social Action (PSAC)

    • Traffic & congestion pricing. We’ve started this effort with our Traffic Town Hall, but this challenge is not going away and the solutions are not obvious or easy to implement. We will continue to pressure our local elected officials and the Department of Transportation to send Williamsburg Bridge traffic to more appropriate avenues.
    • Judicial elections. One of the important roles local Democratic clubs play in our civic structure is to nominate judicial delegates and help select our judges. This process happens largely without voters’ active participation, so it’s our job to be engaged in these decisions.
    • Communication with elected officials. We want to make sure our elected officials have ample opportunity to address local residents directly — and vice versa. We’re starting with an Albany Report on February 8 with our two state representatives, Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou and State Senator Brian Kavanagh.
    Request to join PSAC

    Big D

    • Partnership with Sister District. Ours is a Democratic stronghold, unlikely to elect a Republican in the foreseeable future. So if we want to turn our energy to addressing progressive change across the country, Sister District is a national organization that could be a perfect partner. We hope to help elect progressive Democrats in other parts of the country who can really turn the tide in the U.S. Congress.
    • Youth vote initiative. When young people vote, more Democrats are elected. By creating a video campaign and partnering with other organizations focused on educating and registering young people, we can contribute to a generational shift that will make this country more progressive.
    Request to join Big D

    Civics and Education

    • Civics trivia and guide to local politics. By helping more of our neighbors learn the ins and outs of local government, we can support a more active political community. We’ll start on March 5 with a Pub Night + Trivia at Lucky Jack’s on Orchard, then bring trivia games to other events around the neighborhood.
    • Register more Democrats. You may think of yourself as an independent, but if you are not registered as a Democrat in this neighborhood you don’t get to vote in primaries — which means, essentially, your vote is not going to count. To keep residents engaged, we believe everyone should register as a Democrat.
    Request to join Civ-Ed

    The Nabe

    • Historic preservation. Our neighborhood has a deep heritage that speaks not only to the history of our city but the history of our country — yet there is no historic neighborhood defined in the Lower East Side to preserve and celebrate that heritage. Working with LESPI and the City Council, we will seek to get historic acknowledgement for some of the tenement blocks in the neighborhood before it all disappears.
    • Zoning and development. This neighborhood is at the beginning of a major period of development. While recognizing that new development can be an improvement to the area, we will advocate for appropriate zoning to make sure that the special character of this neighborhood is not lost.
    • Neighborhood beautification. By partnering with our local parks and finding new ways to keep our streets looking sharp and fresh, we hope to keep this neighborhood livable and vital.
    Request to join the Nabe


    • Partner with other neighborhood groups. Our specific district (AD 65 Part A) is narrowly drawn, but the issues we care about are shared by our diverse community. We want to make sure we are reaching out beyond any one affinity group to bring a broad coalition of progressives together.
    • Partner with local businesses. We want to promote and support local businesses, and ask them to promote and support us — political goals like safer streets and better traffic management affects us all.
    Request to join Outreach


    • Women’s March 2018. We put together a strong local contingent for the Women’s March this year, and will look for similar opportunities.
    • Trivia Night March 5. We’ll be holding a night out at Lucky Jack’s, featuring CivEd trivia.
    • Partner with parks. June 6 is Family Fun Day at Corlears Park, and GSD will be preparing some games and educational material.
    Request to join Events

    We expect all members to join at least one committee and participate actively in its projects — or bring your own idea and start a new project. We’re in it for the long haul, and hope you are too!