Dangerous Turf

On May 30, AM Grace Lee joined Grand Street Democrats, local residents and activists to tour East River Park and discuss it’s synthetic turf fields and the dangers they pose to our local environment. The tour focused on the playing fields at Pier 42 and Corlears Hook. It’s blowing into the East River, potentially harming wildlife, gets hot in summer, off-gasses, traps bacteria, etc. NYC needs less, not more astroturf!

May Day Support for Home Healthcare Workers

On May Day, Grand Street Dems joined 1000 home healthcare workers, elected officials, community advocates and other groups to pressure City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams to pass the “No More 24” bill (Intro 175) that is before the NY City Council. Currently, many home health care workers are required to work 24 hour shifts but are paid for only 13 hours of work. Intro 175 would end the cruel and destructive practice of 24-hour shifts, but City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams will not bring it to a vote. Continue to make your voice heard!

Breaking Barriers

Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine and Assembly Member Grace Lee were thrilled to have GSD at a joint celebration in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month on May 19th at 5:30. At the event, they acknowledged the exceptional work of remarkable individuals and groups within the community who have made significant strides in breaking barriers and promoting equity.

The celebration concluded with a showcase of outstanding performances and an array of refreshing treats for attendees to enjoy.

Affordable Housing, Not Luxury Housing

The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) has announced that it is going forward with the proposed plan to build luxury housing at 5 World Trade Center with a minimal number of affordable units. This is public land that is being used to help private corporations maximize their profits instead of providing desperately needed affordable housing. We need to let them know that we will not stand for this. GSD joined the Coalition For a 100% Affordable Housing on May 19 at City Hall Park to demand that public land be used for the public good.

It’s Rally Time!

It’s Primary season so that must mean the Grand Street Democrats’ Annual Democratic Primary Rally is coming up!  On Thursday, June 15th at 5pm, we will gather to hear from endorsed candidates, Christopher Marte, Caroline Laskow, Lee Berman and Dana Catanzaro as well as a fabulous roster of speakers!  We will enjoy light refreshments from local vendors. Save the date and join us!! 

April 17 Meeting with Rep. Goldman & CM Marte

We want to wish all our members and neighbors that celebrate these spring holidays a wonderful week. As the daffodils, cherry blossoms and magnolias bloom, this is certainly the time of year for reflection, renewal and for spending time with loved ones.

Thank you to all of our GSD members for their efforts at getting signatures for our petitions, whether you stood on street corners or knocked on doors. We have collected and submitted more than 700 signatures! That is community in action!

After a busy year of elections and redistrictings, our VP of Elections, Sandra Strother-Ribeiro, has resigned. We thank her so much for her partnership and expertise navigating an unusual election season! We wish her well and look forward to opportunities to collaborate.

Please look out for our upcoming events: GSD General Meeting on April 17thWelcome Wednesday on May 10th and our June primary kick-off on June 15th. See below for details.

Press Conference with AM Grace Lee

It’s been a busy week petitioning so sorry about the last minute notice about today’s press conference at 10am. Assemblymember Grace Lee invited Grand Street Democrat members to join her for a press conference to stand with the state legislature to not lift the FAR cap in New York City. AM Lee is hosting a press conference with Assemblymember Glick at 10am, Friday (3/24) in front of 250 Broadway.

When: Today Friday, March 24th @ 10:00am

Where: 250 Broadway

Who: Assemblymembers Grace Lee, Deborah Glick, Jo Anne Simon, and community leaders

Club Members Give Climate Update

Thank you, Mary Jo Burke for sharing the Climate and Sustainability Update and to Alec Appelbaum for the update on Army Corp of Engineers Resiliency plans. Next week, we will share the Traffic Committee report.

  • There is a drug take-back bin located in CVS, at the corner of Grand and Willet Streets, located near the pharmacy. Use this link for information about which drugs are accepted and which are not included for takeback.
  • The Lower East Side Ecology Center will have an electronic recycling takeback event in Thomkins Square Park on Sunday March 19th, from 10am – 2pm.
  • Precycle is hoping to open their space in Essex Market during the week of March 20th, 2023. Keep your eyes open for their booth when you’re in the Market.
  • Governor Hochul signed into law the “natural organic reduction”, or human composting, legislation. Further work will be required to regulate the activity within the state. Recompose is a company that is based in Washington State, and they currently provide human composting for anyone in the US. They work with local funeral homes to handle the death care which will facilitate transportation of the body to Recompose in Washington. Articles on the legislation from Bloomberg News, The Guardian, and SILive.
  • For information on the orange compost bins in lower Manhattan, including a link to the app, FAQs and bin locations, use this link. Bins are accessible 24/7.

The Army Corps of Engineers has produced the first iteration of a multi-stage study on how to prioritize federal funds for protecting the waterfront communities of New York and New Jersey from storm surge and sea level rise. Its favored solution is fugly and impractical, relying heavily on walls. Enter you, the citizen. If you send comments to NYNJHarbor.TribStudy@usace.army.mil (deadlne extended to March 31st) and include ‘Harbor and Tributaries Focus Area Feasibility Study” in your message, they promise to take you seriously, The civic activists at Rebuild by Design offer this “comment writing template” to make effective comments easy and replicable.

Folks should email Alec Appelbaum with questions or concerns. Thanks again and be well.