We are heading into the biggest primary season NYC has seen in a generation and we are ready to help our endorsed candidates get on the ballot!
Grand Street Dems will be setting up tables on Grand Street for each of the first three weekends in March with petitions that candidates are required to file in order to qualify for the ballot in June.
(Yes, it’s crazy that candidates are still required to do this during a pandemic, but the Governor and State representatives somehow did not plan ahead to find a safer way to qualify for this year’s primary.)
If you feel comfortable, we need your help. Join us Saturdays and Sundays starting March 6 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, or let us know when you are available to carry petitions and we’ll work out the details with you.
Update: If you want to get more involved with a particular campaign, you can volunteer specifically for petitioning shifts with them:
Christopher Marte: https://forms.gle/Q41ekPppSxR7x2WC8
Lindsey Boylan: https://forms.gle/TVgAempGJv5EYFcX6