It is indescribably welcome to feel JOY. Joe Biden is the President-elect, Kamala Harris is the history-making Vice President-elect, by virtue of the countless individuals on the ground who made it happen. When Wisconsin was called for Biden, Ben Wikler, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, tweeted out that “Everything mattered.” How true.
The margins of victory were decisive but hardly a landslide, and all the Get Out the Vote efforts for Biden-Harris were crucial. Not just everything, but everyONE mattered.
- If you joined any of our phone banks over the last three months, this means you.
- If you worked at the polls — for the first time or the fourteenth time — this means you.
- If you helped one person register to vote, find their poll site or ballot drop box, this means you.
- If you had one difficult conversation with a Republican in your life, and flipped their vote, this means you.
- If you contributed $5 or $500 to the Biden-Harris campaign, this means you.
Today let’s celebrate!
Hold onto the feeling of effort being rewarded, because (you knew this was coming, right?) we still have work to do.
Our well-trained club is going to dive into the Georgia Senate run-offs this week. We will follow the lead of the incomparable, awesome Stacey Abrams and all the Georgia organizers who have scaled a vertiginous mountain of voter disenfranchisement to get their state this far.
When Trump won in 2016, my friend Amy said “We lost the keys to the house.” The house is in terrible shape, repairing the damage will be arduous, and many of its rightful inhabitants are still being denied occupancy, but we got the keys back, so let the renovations begin.
Stay safe, wear your mask, celebrate, then organize.